When buying goods on a prepaid basis, you need to know that these social relations are governed by Article 23.1 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights". In this case, the consumer pays for the purchase, and the seller transfers the goods on time. If this did not happen, then you have every right to demand a refund of the prepayment.

Step 1
Enter into a written prepaid purchase agreement. Having it in your hands, you can easily prove your case if the seller does not fulfill its conditions. If it is not possible to draw up such an agreement, then ask to write you a prepayment receipt, which must indicate the delivery time of the goods.
Step 2
Contact the seller in due time and receive the goods. If he did not enter, then demand to return the prepayment in full. You can also discuss the possibility of postponing the dates, while you must sign an additional agreement or receive a new receipt.
Step 3
Write a written claim to the seller's name if your prepayment is denied for various reasons. Indicate in the application the full name of the purchased goods, the date of the prepayment, the established date of receipt of the goods and its price. Please note that the seller is violating the consumer's rights and will be obliged to pay a penalty, which is calculated from the day when the transfer of the goods should have taken place.
Step 4
Claim compensation for losses that you have incurred due to non-receipt of paid goods. For example, you had to purchase this product from another seller for a higher price. The difference in prices will constitute the losses incurred.
Step 5
Submit the written request to the seller against signature. To do this, draw up it in two copies, on which the seller puts the date of receipt of the application. You can also send it by mail, keeping the shipping receipt.
Step 6
Go to court with a statement of claim if the seller has not considered your claims within ten days established by law. In this case, indicate the amount of the prepayment to be refunded, the accrued penalties and the losses incurred. Submit all the evidence you have to the court, as well as a copy of the claim that you submitted to the seller.