A bad purchase is another reason for frustration. They didn’t guess the size, the color didn’t fit, the child flatly refused to wear a new jumpsuit, bought a nice blouse at the sale, and at home found that several buttons were missing … Don't panic! According to the law "On the protection of consumer rights", within 14 days from the date of purchase, you have the right to return the goods back to the store. The exception is hosiery, underwear, personal items and personal hygiene items.

Step 1
First of all, you will need a receipt for the purchase of the item that you want to return to the store. The check is your irrefutable proof of when and where you bought the product. It reflects all the necessary information - the name of the store, the name of the product, the date of the purchase, the price. If you failed to save the receipt, in some cases the video recording from the security camera can be saved, where it will be clearly seen that you made a purchase in this store. It is also important that labels remain on the items. Unlabeled goods can only be returned to the seller if they are found to be defective.
Step 2
No later than 14 days from the date of purchase, bring the product along with the receipt to the store. Explain to the seller that the item did not suit you, and you want to exchange it for another or return the money. As a rule, there should be no problems with the return. Do not forget to bring your passport or identification document with you. You will be asked to write a statement that you want to return the goods back - this is required from the store owners by the tax authorities.
Step 3
If the seller refuses to accept the goods back, start defending your rights. The law is on your side now. Say that you are going to file a lawsuit against a trade worker who did not take the goods back. It is unlikely that a store owner wants to create such problems for himself. He will certainly go to meet you.
Step 4
If the owner of the outlet turns out to be not shy, seek help from the consumer protection society. Write a statement addressed to the chairman of the society, in which tell that you bought the product, which later you wanted to return back, but the seller refused to accept it from you. Attach a purchase receipt to your application. Community staff will have to accept your application and restore justice.