How To Get A Bank Loan

How To Get A Bank Loan
How To Get A Bank Loan

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Most of us actively use the services of commercial banks for lending. And this is not surprising. Not being able to accumulate funds for any serious purchase, it is easier for a person to get a loan and then pay for it for a certain period of time. To get a bank loan, you need to go through several stages.

How to get a bank loan
How to get a bank loan


Step 1

First, you need to decide for what purpose you need funds. As a rule, banks offer various types of loans, depending on what the money will be directed to. For the purchase of a new car, you will most likely be advised a car loan, for the purchase of real estate - a mortgage, for so-called urgent needs (repairs in an apartment, purchase of household appliances, etc.) - a consumer loan. They differ in rates, loan terms, types of collateral (pledge, surety), as well as the presence or absence of insurance.

Step 2

Secondly, when obtaining a loan, try to find out the terms of lending in several commercial banks. Be sure to check with the loan officer about the presence of additional commissions and penalties (for servicing a loan account, for early repayment of the principal debt, etc.). Find out about interest rates, even if they are not significant at first glance, the difference can save you a significant amount. In addition, different banks, when lending for the same amount, require different collateral. Somewhere you may need one guarantor, and somewhere - two or even three.

Step 3

If you have clearly decided what kind of loan and where you will take, then your next step is to fill out a questionnaire and collect the necessary documents. As a rule, they are identical in most banks and include passports of the borrower and guarantor, photocopies of work books, and salary certificates. Depending on the type of loan, you may also need other documents, the list of which will be reported by the inspector at the bank.

Step 4

After collecting the necessary papers, the bank's commission considers the possibility of providing you with a loan. This procedure usually takes no more than three to five days. Often the reason for the refusal is inaccurate information provided in the questionnaire, or provided data, for example, about the level of wages. In addition, potential clients who have been overdue on loans in other credit institutions are also automatically included in the list of "refuseniks".

Step 5

With a positive decision of the credit commission, you will be assigned the time at which you need to appear to sign the loan agreement and other documents for the issuance of funds. Be sure to read all the points of these documents, clarify incomprehensible places, do not be afraid to ask questions of interest. And only then sign.
