The media have recently been increasingly talking about the coming second wave of the crisis. Analysts who study the state of the world economy warn us that the crisis will not only happen, but that it has already begun. Despite the deep study of the problem of the bankruptcy of the world economy, the crisis always comes unexpectedly. To avoid bankruptcy and loss of savings, it is still better to listen to the opinion of world experts and prepare for the crisis in advance.

According to analysts' forecasts, the second wave of the crisis may overshadow the crisis of 2008-2009 with its destructive consequences. To confront a crisis, you need to know its cause. In 2008-2009, the main reason for the loss of savings by Russians was the bankruptcy of banks. And the banks, in turn, went bankrupt due to the withdrawal of foreign investments. the crisis began in Europe. In 2012, according to analysts' forecasts, a sudden drop in GDP is expected in many European countries, which will entail a drop in the prices of oil and oil products, as a result of which the ruble, of course, will depreciate. According to experts, the euro is also not a very reliable currency, since the bulk of world assets are stored in the US currency. The seasonal factor also affects the depreciation of the ruble. The ruble usually rises at the end of the year because businesses pay taxes and pay off debts. And with the onset of the new year, companies begin to accumulate capital in a more stable currency, which leads to the depreciation of the ruble. Since the main reason for the crisis in Russia is the global crisis, we cannot avoid a fall in the ruble, but we can do so in order to incur a minimum of losses. funds at all times were considered investments in real estate and precious metals. But such investments have one drawback - you will not be able to get money quickly if you suddenly need them. Real estate must be sold in order to receive cash, and this is a rather long procedure. And to profit from the sale of precious metals, you must wait at least a year from the date of their purchase, as the price of precious metals rises slowly and by selling them right away, you can lose a lot of money. funds in three different currencies: rubles, dollars, euros. In this case, the losses will be minimal, because the rise and fall of the exchange rate occurs in relation to each other. That is, if the ruble falls, then the price of the dollar or euro will surely rise.