Currently, a lot of research is aimed at finding oil deposits in the World Ocean. This is due to the growing need of people for energy resources and the depletion of oil reserves on land. It is assumed that under the bowels of the waters there are a large number of oil fields capable of meeting the needs of mankind for another several hundred years.

According to scientists, at the bottom of the World Ocean there are more than 50% of oil deposits from all the reserves of the world. Therefore, a very important direction in the search for oil fields is the exploration of the bottom of the seas and oceans for the presence of hydrocarbon raw materials.
Finding oil on the seabed is a technically challenging task and requires high-precision and sophisticated equipment.
Search for oil
Geological scientists are engaged in the search for oil under water. They search for oil and gas in deep layers of rocks. For this, seismic exploration is most often used, which consists in the following: sound waves are sent to the ocean floor, which are reflected from underwater rocks and return back. To supply waves, special sonic cannons are used, which bombard the bottom with compressed air.
To process the reflected waves, special instruments are installed on the research vessel, which measure such wave parameters as frequency, length, return time. Based on the information received, geologists determine what is under the ocean floor, since different rocks reflect sound in their own way. Computer processing of such data makes it possible to build a three-dimensional image of the strata under the sea or ocean floor. Often, oil accumulates in the folds of rocks, from above it can be covered with gas. If geologists find such folds, then work begins on installing the well and producing gas and oil to the surface.

Drilling wells in water
After finding hydrocarbon deposits, a test well is drilled from a ship or floating platform and the field is investigated in more detail. If the deposit turns out to be suitable, then the construction of a permanent platform is carried out. Well drilling and oil and gas production are carried out from a permanent oil platform. Each platform is built individually based on the assigned tasks and taking into account the characteristics of a particular field.

The platform consists of a hull, an oil rig, an anchor system and a deck. The platform is stabilized by the anchor system and piles. With the help of a drill, rocks are destroyed above the oil deposits. Up to 100 workers simultaneously work on the platform, who are transported to work by helicopters.
On the platform, not only oil and gas production takes place, but also the condensation of the latter with special equipment for the purpose of safe transportation.
Despite the high labor and energy costs, oil raised from the bottom of the seas and oceans is a competitive commodity in the hydrocarbon market and is likely to become the sales leader in its segment in a few decades.