Every Russian family, in which a second (or more) child has appeared, starting from January 1, 2007, has the right to receive financial assistance from the state, which is called "maternal (family) capital". From January 1, 2011, the amount of maternity capital is 365 698 rubles. Every year this amount is indexed and grows following inflation in the country.

It is necessary
- - an application for a state certificate for maternity (family) capital;
- - passport or a replacement document proving the identity and place of residence of the person entitled to receive the certificate;
- - insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance;
- - birth certificates (or a court decision on adoption) of all children in the family.
Step 1
Within three years after the birth or adoption of your second (or more) child, you have the right to apply to the territorial body of the Pension Fund at your place of residence. Prepare the necessary documents and apply for a certificate for maternity (family) capital to the district Pension Fund Office. The procedure for submitting documents is determined by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2006 No. 873.
Step 2
Within five days, you will receive a notification if there are any errors in the paperwork. If all the documents are drawn up correctly, the decision to issue you a certificate for maternity capital (or to refuse) should come to you within a month from the date of submission of the documents. You can use the certificate itself no earlier than three years after the birth of the child. An exception is the situation when you need to pay off the main debt and pay interest on loans and borrowings, including mortgages - in this case, you can use the certificate until the second child reaches the age of three.
Step 3
The state provides for specific areas in which you have the right to spend the amount provided to you. This could be:
- improvement of housing conditions when purchasing housing within the Russian Federation;
- construction and reconstruction (not apartment renovation) of an individual housing object (earlier it was possible to spend 50% of the amount for this direction, but from August 18, 2011 you have the right to use the entire amount of the certificate);
- the child's education within the Russian Federation in licensed institutions (you can spend maternity capital on the education of any child in the family);
- contribution to the funded part of the mother's pension;
- mortgage.