Even if you are already paying off one loan, you can try to get a second one if you wish. However, at the same time, you need to be able to correctly present your situation to the bank in order to increase your chances of receiving financing.

Step 1
Weigh your ability to repay two loans at the same time. Consider whether you can solve the problem with payments in the event of, for example, a sudden loss of your job. This risk analysis will help you better plan your future spending and budget.
Step 2
Find a bank with a loan program of interest to you. You can choose both a regular loan and special offers provided by financial institutions. These include on-lending. It is convenient if the first loan was taken at a sufficiently high interest rate. In this case, at the expense of new financing, you can close the old loan and get additional money for other purposes.
Step 3
Collect the documents you need to get a loan. Usually, these include a certificate of income in the form of 2NDFL, as well as a copy of the work book, certified by the employer. Additionally, a military ID may be required, and a passport with border crossing stamps and a certificate of ownership of a car can also increase the chances of obtaining a loan.
Step 4
Apply for a loan to your chosen bank. This can often be done directly on the website of a financial institution. Such an appeal will be considered as preliminary, but you will get an opportunity to understand whether your income and expenses meet the bank's requirements for borrowers. In the application form, be sure to indicate your first loan and monthly payments on it. If you hide this information, the bank will be able to get it through the credit bureau, but it will spoil the opinion of you as a potential honest borrower.
Step 5
Upon approval of your application, you will receive a loan either in cash or as a transfer to your bank account. A special scheme applies if you participate in the on-lending program at the same bank where you received financing for the first time. In this case, you receive only part of the amount in your hands, the rest is sent to repay the first loan.