The correct financial strategy allows you to live with a high degree of comfort with a minimum investment of time, effort and material resources. Taking advantage of the difference in currencies, the standard of living in different countries and price paradoxes, you can earn great money and have cheap entertainment.

Step 1
Investment is the use of financial instruments for the purpose of obtaining material benefits. This can be savings, resale, or purchase of a more expensive product at the lowest price. Sometimes prices can fall arbitrarily - due to bankruptcy of companies or oversaturation of the market. There are also tendencies, the knowledge of which will allow you to be in the right place at the right time and make a profitable investment in a year.
Step 2
The simplest way to save households is to buy winter clothes in the summer at sales; summer shoes and things in winter. Many people ignore this opportunity, but in vain. Some items can be bought for 50% of the price (discounts can go up to 70%). In addition, such foresight excludes the likelihood of force majeure associated with sudden warming / cooling.
Step 3
Buying real estate has long been considered the most reliable investment tool. And if the fluctuations in apartment prices are not high, the seasonality factor works in the market of private houses and land plots. Building houses is a great business in itself. You can buy an inexpensive plot, hire workers and buy inexpensive building materials (foam blocks, half bricks). The cost of the construction will be low, and it will be possible to earn money on the sale and re-invest money.
Step 4
If you are good at using numbers and analyzing information, you can participate in futures trading. Futures is a paper for the purchase of a commodity in the future. So, in September, you can buy December oil (it will be delivered at the autumn price, without storage costs). If the price rises by winter, the futures can be sold, making money on it. Trends in this market are not easy, it is necessary to take into account the global economic situation, weather conditions and many other factors. But profits on seasonal futures are also high.