Being financially literate is very important these days. Investment is related to financial literacy. How to invest money profitably and not lose it? To understand this, you can take a closer look at 3 investment options.

Option 1 - bank deposit
This is the easiest and most intuitive way to invest. Interest rates on deposits in Russia vary between 4-8%. At the moment, however, rates are falling more and more. According to experts' forecasts, the decline will not stop.
Now the market is saturated with debit cards, in this regard, such a type of deposit has appeared as a savings account. Its plus is that you can always safely withdraw money without losing interest. Minus - small interest rates (2-5% per annum).
Choosing this type of investment, it is better to focus on reliable banks such as Sberbank, Alfa-Bank, VTB24, Gazprombank, Tinkoff, Rosselkhozbank. Since the Central Bank is actively revoking licenses from secondary banks, there is a likelihood of losing your invested money.
Option 2 - real estate
Real estate benefits from the fact that in any situation it does not fall in price, even during a crisis. Moreover, real estate is not subject to inflation. It follows that this is a very profitable place to invest money.
There are several ways to make money on real estate:
- Buying a home during construction. At this stage, you can insure the risks of the deposit for 1-5%. For example, you can take an apartment with a rough finish for 1.5 million rubles. six months before delivery. Up to 500 thousand rubles will be spent on finishing; as a result, the apartment can be sold for 2.5 million rubles. It is easy to calculate that the profit from the sale will be 500 thousand rubles!
- Buying a home for subsequent renting. An example can be given here too. Buying a 1-room apartment in Kazan will cost 3 million rubles. If you rent it by the day for 2 thousand rubles. per day (about 60 thousand rubles per month), then a year you can receive from it an average of 700 thousand rubles. Do not forget that property is growing in value every year!
Option 3 - promotions
Stocks are a more risky option than the first 2. However, you can get more income with them. The ways to make money on stocks are as follows:
- when shares rise in price on the stock exchange;
- by paying dividends.
What should you know here? First of all, it is recommended to choose companies whose shares have grown in price in the last 2-3 years and to purchase them. Then monitor their growth (decline), on the basis of this determine income.
Advice: you need to act wisely and correctly assess the upcoming risks.
These are the main types of money investment. They are classic. However, if such options do not leave the market, then they are the most profitable in terms of investment.