How To Reduce Taxes

How To Reduce Taxes
How To Reduce Taxes

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The current legislation gives taxpayers several opportunities to legally reduce the tax burden. These are tax deductions for personal income tax payers, business activities using a simplified taxation system and quarterly payment by an entrepreneur applying a simplified taxation system of fixed insurance premiums.

How to reduce taxes
How to reduce taxes

It is necessary

  • To receive a tax deduction:
  • - 3NDFL declaration;
  • - documents confirming the income received last year and the tax paid from it;
  • - documents confirming the right to deduction.
  • To register an individual entrepreneur:
  • - a completed application for registration of an individual entrepreneur;
  • - a completed application for the transition to a simplified system;
  • - copies of the passport and certificate of assignment of the TIN;
  • - money to pay the state duty;
  • For the quarterly payment of insurance premiums:
  • - details of off-budget funds to which payments are intended.


Step 1

A tax deduction is due to those who pay personal income tax (personal income tax) at a rate of 13%. The law provides for such deduction options as standard, property, social and professional. For example, the standard is relied on under a number of conditions to parents of minor children, etc. A complete list of grounds for each deduction can be found in the chapter of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation dedicated to personal income tax.

To obtain a deduction, you must submit a 3NDFL declaration to the tax office at your place of residence from the first working day of January to April 30. And along with it, documents confirming income and tax paid from it (2NDFL certificates, contracts, receipts for paying tax yourself), an application for a deduction and documents confirming the right to it.

Step 2

If you have a permanent income outside your main place of work, you can pay tax less than 13% of it. To do this, you can register as an individual entrepreneur and apply for the transition to a simplified taxation system right upon registration with a package of documents. But you will need to choose the object of taxation.

If your costs associated with generating income are large (for example, for the purchase of raw materials, goods for resale, etc.), the difference between income and expenses is more profitable.

You will also have to open a current account of an individual entrepreneur in a bank, acquire a seal and draw up a number of documents for customers - legal entities, but this is not as difficult as it might seem.

Step 3

If you are already an individual entrepreneur and use the simplified tax system, you have the opportunity to further reduce the tax burden. The law obliges you to pay fixed insurance contributions for yourself to the Pension Fund and the Federal and Territorial Compulsory Health Insurance Funds throughout the year. You can pay them as a lump sum of the entire amount, or in parts once a quarter.

But you can reduce your taxes by the amount of these payments, but not more than half of the tax amount, provided that the contributions are made in the same period for which the tax is paid. By paying quarterly contributions, you can reduce the advance tax payments for each quarter within the limits stipulated by law.
