With a costly standard of living, people are increasingly thinking about how to get a loan if they have bad credit history and outstanding loans. Such clients are usually refused a new loan, but there are ways to get the desired funds.

Step 1
It is worth remembering that the majority of bank clients have the opportunity to take out a loan, even if they have bad credit history and outstanding debts, but they have no idea about it. For each of the clients, the institution calculates his level of solvency. If a person took loans less than the maximum possible amount offered by the bank, but has not yet repaid them, he can expect to receive one or more loans.
Step 2
The level of solvency of each of the clients periodically changes and is fixed by the bank. If you have unpaid debts, but your salary and other income has increased recently, try to contact the bank and apply for a new loan, providing with it a certificate of income in the form of 2-NDFL. Perhaps the decision in your case will be positive.
Step 3
Think about the reasons why you have bad credit and outstanding loans. For example, the bank takes into account certain circumstances of non-payment of loans in favor of the client. This includes the serious illness of the borrowed person, as well as the illness and death of a close relative, etc. If you can confirm the reason for the delay in payments with a certificate, this will help to take a new loan.
Step 4
Try to pay off the remaining loans or at least some of them. This will improve your credit history and the attitude of the bank. Relatives can lend the required amount or part of it. You can also sell some expensive, but not the most necessary things and household items.
Step 5
One of the easiest ways to get a loan if you have bad credit and outstanding loans is to try to contact another bank for this. There are organizations that give money to any client. Interview those acquaintances who have already faced a similar situation: where did they get a loan and under what conditions. At the same time, it is worth remembering that even if you can get a new loan, you will have to give it back with high interest.
Step 6
In almost every city there are small credit organizations that issue small loans or even help repay loans to banks. They do not take credit history into account, and in order to receive money, it is enough to have a permanent job and a residence permit in this city or region. You can also get both large and small amounts online, using electronic payment systems, such as Webmoney.