The cost of precious stones is made up of several indicators. Typically, these are the color and clarity of the stone, the accuracy of its cut, and its carat weight. Each carat, as well as its multiples (hundredths and decimal places), have a very high cost.

There is a widespread belief that every self-respecting woman should know the price of diamonds. When evaluating the characteristics of precious stones, experts pay attention to 4 main qualities. Subject to consideration:
- the size of the stone, - its purity, - the color and quality of the cut.
Measurement systems
Measurement systems differ from country to country. However, the US standard is the most perfect. It is also the most common. The diamond, evaluated by representatives of the Gemological Institute of America, does not need further examination. Verification results can be easily converted to units of another country. Below are the criteria for domestic certification.
Russia has its own assessment system, which is different from the American one.
Russian standards
In 2002, the standard was approved: Tu 117-4.2099-2002. The specification describes the diamond grading process as follows:
- Evaluation of the cut. The appearance of the stone has a great influence on the choice of the buyer. The greatest demand is for medium-sized round-shaped jewelry. There can be 17 or 57 faces.
- The weight of the diamond. The unit of measurement is carats. The stones are divided into three groups. The mass of small ones does not exceed 0.29 carats, the average ones are those that have a weight in the range from 0.30 to 0.99 carats. One carat and above characterizes large diamonds.
- On the basis of color, there is a classification from a completely colorless diamond to rich yellow, gray and brown shades. There are several subgroups. But, speaking of a certain shade, they often use the definitions: "barely perceptible", "saturated", "barely noticeable" …
- The purity of stones is determined by the presence of cracks and defects, internal inclusions. In this classification, there are also several subgroups, which depend on the mass of diamonds.
The level of clarity of the stone is determined using a magnifying glass.
After the necessary research, the diamond acquires its technical characteristics. This entry looks like this: Cr 57 0, 35 3/4 A. This means that in front of you is a round-cut diamond with 57 facets and corresponds to group A, weighing 0.35 carats. Number 3 denotes a color group, and 4 is a group of purity characteristics. Such a stone will cost around 100 thousand rubles.
The most in demand are diamonds with a mass of 0.1 carat. Their approximate cost will be 7 thousand rubles. Large gemstones with the highest purity group will cost 600 thousand rubles. How much a particular diamond is worth can be said by an expert appraiser. It should be remembered that the cost of stones in the product is reduced.