Situations when you may need money are not uncommon. Moreover, the reasons can be completely varied - from the need to pay for treatment or training to the temporary interception of funds before the salary. And there is not always a so-called "airbag". Therefore, the question becomes natural: where can you borrow money.

Borrowing the required amount today is not difficult. It used to be possible to borrow from friends. Today you can solve your problems without straining your relatives and friends.
Where can I borrow money
Naturally, despite the development of the banking industry, no one canceled friends. The advantages of taking money from close friends are that it is fast, does not require any documents or interest.
It is worth considering the fact that borrowing money from friends can destroy your friendships. Therefore, it is important to pay off the debt on time and it is better to write a receipt.
You can also borrow money from banks. Today this is not a problem at all. However, there are also disadvantages. First, the high interest rate. After all, banks issue non-targeted loans at very high interest rates - rates can start from 20% and reach 70-80%. And this means that the overpayment will amount to huge amounts, often equal to 2-3 borrowed loans. Secondly, the loan must be repaid on time and in established installments.
Taking money on credit with the expectation that you can not give it away is a bad idea. There are loopholes in the law that allow you to defraud the bank, but this could be fraught in the future. And when applying for a mortgage or car loan, such a story may come up.
You can borrow money at a microloan bureau. They quickly issue the required amount (however, there are restrictions on the size of the loan - only small amounts up to 300,000 rubles), do not carry out checks of the client's solvency. A huge disadvantage of this method is a very high interest rate - it reaches 100-150% per month.
If you have values, you can turn to pawnshops for help. This method, however, is more often used by women than men. A pawnshop loan allows you to get money right now in exchange for the jewelry left in it. Moreover, gold and stones, as well as other antiques can be returned by paying a percentage for using the pawnshop's money. If they are not particularly needed, they can be left behind, forgetting about the debt.
A loan in a credit cooperative belongs to the category of "quick" money. Credit cooperatives operate on the principle of mutual savings and loan financial assistance. Moreover, today such organizations issue loans not only to their shareholders, but also to third-party clients. The rate in cooperatives hovers around 20%. Economists distinguish 2 types of such organizations. Some are focused on working with individuals, others - with other credit cooperatives.
There is one more option - a loan in online payment systems, such as Webmoney, Yandex. Money, etc. Such organizations are distinguished by the presence of low interest rates - from 1 to 5%. Moreover, it is quite easy to get money on credit via the Internet - you just need to place an application and wait for a response from the creditors of the electronic exchange. You can get an offer from several lenders at once. This method is a convenient option for those who want to get money quickly in various cities: be it Ukhta, Perm or some other, and not only in the capital.
What to consider in connection with borrowing money
When borrowing money, you need to remember that you will have to return it. And in most cases, they return much more than they took. Therefore, it is better not to get carried away and turn to borrowed money only in case of emergency, when there is simply no other way out.
When borrowing money from various credit organizations, you need to take into account that you will have to overpay. Therefore, calculate in advance what the maximum payment you can afford. Experts say it shouldn't take up more than a third of your monthly budget. Only in this way it will be easy for you to return it.
It is not worth delaying the return of the debt, even if you borrow it from friends and relatives. After all, you will gain a reputation as an optional person and in the future you are unlikely to be lent any more.