How To Borrow Money At Interest From A Private Person

How To Borrow Money At Interest From A Private Person
How To Borrow Money At Interest From A Private Person

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Recently, people who want to get a loan have begun to turn to private lenders. With such a loan, a person loses something, but gains something. For example, you do not have to collect a large package of documents, wait for the bank's decision. On the other hand, the interest that lenders charge on the loan amount is higher than the bank interest.

How to borrow money at interest from a private person
How to borrow money at interest from a private person


Step 1

First of all, you must find a private lender. To do this, use the media, the Internet or the recommendations of friends. Try to find out as much as possible about this person, because there are a lot of fraudsters operating in the country who can rob you to the bone.

Step 2

Once you have found a private lender, schedule a meeting. In order for the loan to be issued as correctly as possible from the point of view of the law, take a lawyer you know with you to the meeting.

Step 3

When applying for a loan, discuss all sorts of conditions. Here you should address such points as the loan amount, interest, repayment terms, payment schedule, penalties for late payment of payment, etc. Discuss force majeure. Check the information about the necessary documents for obtaining a loan.

Step 4

Proceed to collecting the required documentation. This must include an identity document, that is, a passport. In some cases, a certificate of income from the place of work is also required (form No. 2NDFL).

Step 5

If you deposit the property as a pledge, the transaction is formalized at the registration chamber. In this case, you must provide documents proving your ownership.

Step 6

If the loan amount is more than 1000 rubles, an agreement should be concluded. But do not rush to sign it, before that, show the legal document to an experienced lawyer. In the agreement, be sure to check again all the conditions, rights and obligations of lending.

Step 7

After the funds are transferred, the contract is considered concluded. To avoid controversy and problems, at the time of transferring cash, draw up a receipt for the receipt of a certain amount. If money is transferred through a current account, the fact of obtaining a loan is an extract from the current account and a payment order. When making payments, ask for receipts or checks.
