Currently, banks offer their customers a variety of lending programs that are able to meet a fairly wide range of needs. To borrow money at interest, you need to know what you will spend it on and, based on this, request a specific loan.

Step 1
To obtain loan money, contact a bank or fund that provides loans to individuals. Ask your consultant what loan programs they provide and the terms of these programs. For example, if you need money to buy a car, then ask in detail about the car loan program. As a rule, interest rates on it are lower than on a consumer loan, but you will have to pay insurance for the entire period of using the borrowed money.
Step 2
When contacting the bank, pay attention to the terms of the loan: interest rates, loan terms, the need for insurance of pledged property, life and health. Please note that even a seemingly small difference in percentage can save you a significant amount of money over the entire period of using the funds. This is especially true for long-term loans, such as mortgages. Be sure to check with the loan officer about the availability of all kinds of commissions and about the procedure for repaying the loan. These factors deny a significant impact on the real price of borrowed money. Sometimes the real interest rate on loans is much higher than the stated one.
Step 3
After you select the bank and the type of lending, collect the required package of documents. As a rule, conditions are standard for most banks. Usually these are: a passport, a certificate of income level, documents for a pledge or surety, a work book, a driver's license, etc. But some credit organizations may request other documents at their discretion. The loan officer will inform you about this during the consultation.
Step 4
As soon as you submit a complete package of documents, your application will be considered. At the same time, the bank most often pays attention to the borrower's credit history. Therefore, if you are not a very serviceable payer and have been delinquent on previously taken loans, do not be surprised that you will receive a refusal to provide money.
Step 5
If everything is in order with your credit history and the bank does not reveal any other circumstances preventing the issuance of a loan, get ready to sign a loan agreement and receive the requested amount. Take your time, read the conditions carefully, because your further relationship with the bank will largely depend on them.