Due to the fact that the ecological situation in large cities leaves much to be desired, recently proposals for the delivery of pure drinking or mineral water have become especially popular. These services are willingly used by both large and small offices. As it turned out, it is not difficult to create such a profitable business in this area.

It is necessary
- - documents confirming registration;
- - telephone and internet;
- - necessary equipment;
- - start-up capital.
Step 1
Decide for yourself how you will get clean drinking water. You can do a full cycle, starting with water production directly from the well and ending with its final delivery to your customers. Or you can take on the supply of "foreign" water.
Step 2
Complete all the necessary documents for doing business. Doing business without supporting and supporting documents is fraught with criminal and administrative liability.
Step 3
Find a water source. It can be any natural key, lake or well. In practice, the use of wells is most often used. In case you are going to deliver a finished product, find a wholesale base selling purified water bottles.
Step 4
Choose one of the many well drilling companies, order a project from them and agree on it in your Geocenter. Obtain a drilling permit and a well operating license.
Step 5
Order a special water analysis from the laboratory. From the conclusion, which will be issued at the end of the well inspection, it will be possible to draw a conclusion about what equipment you need for water purification.
Step 6
Agree on the purchase and delivery of special equipment for water treatment from the seller. Install it and check for serviceability.
Step 7
Take care of your advertising. Make an agreement with the print media and television to publish your ad. Set up billboards and signs in your office and send out business proposals to large companies.
Step 8
Set the final price for your services. It should justify your costs, but it should not be too high, otherwise customers will abandon you and go to competitors.