Who are the clients of such a business? Anyone: ordinary citizens, private clients, corporate clients, catering establishments, large companies and business centers. Water is the source of life, so a drinking water delivery business would be almost a win-win. But it is important to know some of the features of promoting such a business.

Consumers are primarily concerned about the quality and price of water. Therefore, you must be ready to submit documents that confirm the quality of the products. You can hold promotions related to tasting the product, so people will see the difference between tap water and bottled water. You can carry out analyzes and samples of your water and water from the mains. You can also provide a test copy of your product as a gift, this will attract new customers, and people will be able to appreciate all the delights of your water.
If you decide to serve corporate clients, you can provide related products as bonuses, for example, tea or coffee bags, cream and sugar. Regular maintenance of the coolers is also necessary.
Particular attention should be paid to on-time delivery. Serious companies with many employees simply cannot tolerate water retention. Therefore, clarity and punctuality of your actions is important. It is also necessary to think over the method of delivery of water to the customer, it can be a personal vehicle fleet, or hired drivers on their own cars. The choice is yours, the main thing is that everything is clear and harmonious. It is important to think over the routes, down to the smallest detail. It is most convenient to divide the territory into districts and deliver to specific districts. The procedure for the delivery and replacement of water should be carried out unnoticed by company employees so as not to distract anyone.