Where To Get A Credit History

Where To Get A Credit History
Where To Get A Credit History

Recently, credit history has become one of the key tools of the bank when checking a client and assessing risks when deciding on his lending. It is available to all Russians who have taken out loans since the beginning of 2005. Experts recommend that all borrowers inquire about their credit history, since mistakes often creep into it.

Where to get a credit history
Where to get a credit history

All credit histories of Russian borrowers are stored in the Bureau of Credit Histories (BCI). However, there are more than three dozen such organizations in Russia. You can find out in which particular Bureau your credit history is located in the Central Catalog of Credit Histories created by the Bank of Russia.

To do this, you will have to fill out a special form on the Bank of Russia website https://ckki.www.cbr.ru/?Prtid=ckki_zh. Please note that in order to receive information via the Internet, you will be required to enter the personal code of the subject of your credit history. It is a certain set of specific numbers and letters, which is determined by the owner of the credit history. If you do not have one, to create it, you should contact any bank or any credit bureau with a document that proves your identity, for example, with a passport.

If you already know the personal identification code of the subject, enter it on the website and you will soon receive a letter with information about a specific Bureau to the specified email address, which you can contact to directly obtain your credit history. You can view the list of the Bureau of Credit Histories included in the state register on the Bank of Russia website.

The borrower's history can also be obtained through the bank that did not approve the loan for you. To do this, you just need to write a statement asking to provide you with your story. The bank has no right to refuse such a request.

You can also get your story through the Russian Post. To do this, you should send a request to the Bureau where your history is stored. Fill out the application, certify your signature on it with a notary and send it by mail to the address of the Bureau. The answer must come by registered mail. This usually happens within a month.
