Where To Get A Loan With Bad Credit History

Where To Get A Loan With Bad Credit History
Where To Get A Loan With Bad Credit History

As a result of delayed payments on a loan or if you have an outstanding loan on hand, a bad credit history can form. In most cases, it is a serious barrier to obtaining a new loan.

Where to get a loan with a bad credit history
Where to get a loan with a bad credit history

Overcrediting of Russians leads to the fact that today the percentage of problem loans with delays is quite large. Each bank has its own idea of which story to categorize as bad. Some can close their eyes only to minor delays of 1-5 days, others are loyal to borrowers with more significant delays for up to a month. But if you have an outstanding loan on hand, then getting a new one will be almost unrealistic. Therefore, it is not at all necessary that if you were denied money in one bank, they will also refuse in another. It is believed that such banks as Tinkoff, Renaissance Credit, Home Credit, OTP Bank, Russian Standard, Credit Bank of Moscow, Zapsibkombank are more loyal to problem borrowers. True, the loan programs they offer do not differ in favorable interest rates.

Also, a borrower with a bad credit history can expect to receive an express loan, or, in extreme cases, contact a microfinance organization.

Express loans

Banks find out the credit history by sending a request to the BCH. If you have previously taken out a loan, the bureau displays all information about overdue obligations to fulfill financial obligations. But it takes time to process the request, therefore, with express lending (when the decision to issue a loan is provided within a few minutes), the banks do not make inquiries to the CRI, but evaluate the borrower based on the scoring.

For example, there are such programs in the Renaissance Credit, where you can count on an amount of up to 1 million rubles. at an interest rate of 22.9% (the decision is made in 10 minutes). In Probusinessbank, under the "Loan on Trust" program, you can get the same maximum amount per day with a rate of 17% or more. In the bank "Russian Standard" with a rate of 36%, you can borrow an amount of up to 300 thousand rubles. Promsvyazbank provides a time-tested loan for up to 1 million rubles. with a rate of up to 23.9%. Credit Bank of Moscow provides loans for up to 3 million rubles. with a rate of up to 26%.

It is also enough just to get a loan to buy equipment in a store. They do not require confirmation of income, employment, and the decision on extradition is made as quickly as possible. By conscientiously fulfilling your obligations under such a loan, you can improve your credit history.

Microfinance organizations

If you need a small amount for a limited period, you can contact a microfinance organization. They do not look at credit history and specialize in small amounts - up to 15,000 rubles. But the interest on such loan programs is really extortionate and can reach 2% per day (760% per year).
