Loan With Bad Credit History

Loan With Bad Credit History
Loan With Bad Credit History

When obtaining a loan, a clean credit history is very important. But what about a negative story? There are several options for solving this problem. The human factor plays an important role.

Loan with bad credit history
Loan with bad credit history

What about a person who needs to get a loan, but he has a negative credit history? Let's consider all possible options to answer this question.

Option number one: it is not the borrower's fault that his credit history has been damaged. For example, the bank reported incorrect data to the credit bureau. To correct this situation, it is necessary to urgently contact the appropriate bank, which provided the CRI with this information, and write an application to correct the credit history. If the truth is on the side of the borrower, then the bank will be forced to take actions that will correct errors in the history of loans. After that, getting a loan will not be a problem.

Option number two: there were delays, moreover, quite recently, but the borrower is not to blame for this (there are documents that confirm this). Various force majeure factors are suitable for this case: illness, dismissal, false notification of loan repayment. To remedy this situation, it is best to be the first to notify the bank of such facts. It is necessary that the bank employee must find out these data not from the BCH. It is also advisable to talk to the lender, the bank's security officer. It is quite possible that the bank will issue a loan to this person.

Option number three: the loan history is clear, but a few years ago the client had delays in payment. In this case, a bank loan can be obtained only when not a computer will process the application, but a person. Therefore, the client is unlikely to be given a quick loan, but the usual one may well. But for this you will have to talk to a bank security officer, telling the reasons for the delay in the past and what has changed now.

Option number four: the client has many delinquencies even on loans that have not yet been paid. This case is the most neglected, it is unlikely that it will be possible to take even the smallest loan. In particular, if, in response to the reasons for such neglect, the client tells tales about a stolen wallet, deception by several banks at the same time, etc.

The bank may make a positive decision to issue a loan to a client with a bad credit history, but at the same time it will increase the interest rate, the initial payment, or require some kind of collateral as an additional guarantee.

Obviously, the negative history of previous loans is not a guarantee of the impossibility of obtaining a loan from the bank, because a lot depends on the specific situation, on the characteristics of the bank and on the person himself, his behavior.
