Where Can You Get Money If You Already Have A Loan?

Where Can You Get Money If You Already Have A Loan?
Where Can You Get Money If You Already Have A Loan?

Sometimes there are situations when a loan is urgently needed. And why not go to the bank for help? But if you already have one loan from the bank, where can you get money on loan? The lender is unlikely to be happy with you, because when issuing a new loan, a financial institution is at risk.

how to get a second loan
how to get a second loan

And yet you can apply to the bank for a second loan, only in another. There are some tricks in this case. Let's say you took out the first loan in a large and stable bank, such as Sberbank, then you need to try to issue the second loan in a smaller regional bank. It is much easier to get the required amount in such a bank.

It should be borne in mind that all loans are banking products and if you ask for a loan of a different purpose, then there is a chance of getting approval. Also, the financial institution will meet halfway if the first loan is paid on time.

Alternatively, you can consider the offers of banks that offer express loans. These institutions will only ask you to show your passport. No certificates from the place of work and guarantors are required, the credit history is not checked. But not everything is as good as it might seem at first glance, the interest rate on the loan is high.

Alternatively, you can use the services of a pawnshop, if you have liquid property. Pawnshops have always been very popular. What could be easier to come with a gold item and get money in return? In this case, no one is interested in the availability of valid loans and credit history.

It turns out that now it is not difficult to get a second loan.

When applying for a second loan, you need to assess your financial capabilities and make payment on time.
