One million rubles is a fairly large amount for investment. It is not difficult to spend such finances. Investing money wisely, so that it works and makes a profit, is much more difficult.

Step 1
One of the most reliable investments of a million rubles is the purchase of real estate. This amount is enough to buy a land plot of six acres in the region and build an inexpensive house made of foam concrete. Of course, one can argue about the prestige of such real estate, but you can live in this house; it can also be put up for sale and make good money.
Step 2
Put a million rubles in a bank account. There is an attractive benefit - it is possible to keep money on the deposit, while living on interest. Deposits with monthly payment of profit (without capitalization) in Russia bring on average 10% per annum. This means that from a million rubles, you will receive 100,000 income per year, and if divided by 12 months - 8300 rubles. The money is small, of course, but it can be used to rent a one-room apartment with no frills in Thailand.
Step 3
Investing one million rubles in stocks is risky. At the same time, the stock market bodes well for investors. You can find the best solution in this situation - find a broker who will conduct operations on the exchange on your behalf. One million rubles is a sufficient amount for the increased interest of bankers. Profit per month can range from two to ten percent. Translated into the language of cash - from 20,000 to 100,000 rubles.
Step 4
Starting your own business with such a start-up capital is not only possible, but also desirable. The main thing is to find a suitable business idea, assemble a team of talented and experienced performers and start acting. If you find a good sales manager who has already shown his talent in previous projects, your business will be ready for success. And you - to make a profit.