Where To Invest 100,000 Rubles To Make A Profit

Where To Invest 100,000 Rubles To Make A Profit
Where To Invest 100,000 Rubles To Make A Profit

Nowadays, one hundred thousand rubles is considered a relatively small amount to be enough to open a large-scale business. But this money is quite enough to open a deposit with an increased interest rate or invest somewhere else.

Where to invest 100,000 rubles to make a profit
Where to invest 100,000 rubles to make a profit

One of the most promising and win-win types of investments is investing in yourself. For one hundred thousand you can get a second higher education, take courses on mastering a new profession. For a careerist, crusts about additional education will open up prospects for further advancement in the career ladder. For a simple worker, mastering a new profession will provide an opportunity to change an activity to a higher-paid one, acquire additional earnings and survive in crisis years.

For an active person

For an enterprising person, you can try to become an individual entrepreneur and open your own small business. There are many options: buy a knitting machine and knit things for sale. In the presence of wholesale buyers, the profit will be up to 10-15 thousand per week. Take a sewing machine and take orders for individual tailoring at home. Purchase a batch of inexpensive laptops and rent them out. Create a team for the repair of apartments, the construction of country houses or the care of the personal plot.

Internet business has been gaining momentum lately. The amount of 30-50 thousand is quite enough for the development of a first-class site, the remaining money - for its promotion. You can handle filling the site with content yourself or buy the necessary content on article exchanges. If the site turns out to be interesting and popular, when it is monetized, it will bring the owner a stable and regular income. You can create an online store, a themed site, a blog, and even a social network (for example, for dog lovers). The main thing is for potential visitors to like the idea.

Monetizing a site is placing contextual advertising on it, banners, selling links in order to generate income. A well-promoted site, with its competent monetization, is able to bring profit up to 10-20% per month from investments.

Another area for potential business is trade. Private purchase and sale of inexpensive things does not require high costs, quickly pays off and does not carry high risks. You can search for suppliers of goods on the Internet, buyers - in the same place, submitting ads on free boards. The choice of goods is at the discretion of everyone: from Asian cosmetics and self-defense products to electronics, phones and sporting goods

Passive income

Passive income can also be received from someone else's business, investing your money in it in the form of buying a share or a share, investing in someone else's business idea, or creating a joint business with partners, adding up your capital.

In order to have passive income from investments, investments in gold or securities are very attractive in the long term. For a year or two, the profit will be small, but if you invest for a period of 5-10 years, the money can be doubled and even tripled the amount invested. Good performance is given by bank deposits with monthly interest payments and capitalization. The simplest calculations show that a contribution of 12% per year, with monthly interest payments and capitalization for 5 years will bring 80 thousand additional income.
