The ability to manage available funds is one of the most important qualities of a successful person. Even such a small amount as 20 thousand rubles can be disposed of with colossal benefits for your further success.

Foreign language teaching
Language courses are a universal investment in your own development. Having knowledge of the English language, you will be able to move freely around the world, communicating with interesting people. Knowledge of a foreign language can contribute to obtaining a lucrative position or help in starting your own business.
Twenty thousand rubles may be enough to get a basic level in a language school. It is also possible to find remote mentors on the Internet, with significant savings. Many companies offer combined training: part of the lessons you can take in a discussion club (group lesson), part of the lessons can be obtained remotely (usually Skype) with a language school teacher. It is advisable to choose a language school that provides an opportunity to communicate with native speakers.
Building a website with useful content, a service, or an industry forum can bring you expert status, new connections, and early customers. Business on the Internet does not require large costs - it is much more important to apply the most appropriate way of providing information.
To create a website, you can hire a programmer or buy an inexpensive video course. There are known courses by Evgeny Popov with step-by-step creation of intellectual products: websites and information training disks. For little money, you can hire copywriters, illustrators and content managers on the or exchanges. Third-party specialists can do all the routine work for you, but you just have to organize the process itself and reap the benefits.
Resale (retail) of goods and services has been known since time immemorial. Intermediaries are ready to exchange their knowledge and work for respect and money. The amount of 20,000 rubles will hardly allow you to create a large retail network. Nevertheless, you can find a supplier of small goods (preferably a manufacturing factory or a large dealer), order a trial batch of goods from him, pay and receive from him using the services of a logistics (transport or postal) company. Starting your own business is one of the most popular paths to financial well-being.
Next, it is important to find a buyer. You can use contextual advertising systems "Yandex. Direct" or Google. Adwords (ad words from English - "advertising words"). They allow you to advertise your product only to those users who entered its name in the search bar of the system. You will pay for clicks, that is, for real users of the search engine who are interested in your ad.