A thousand dollars is a fairly substantial amount and it is not so easy for an ordinary person to accumulate it. Such money may well become a start in business or a good financial cushion for a difficult period. How profitable to use this money.

Step 1
You can put $ 1000 into a bank account. This will not bring you a lot of profit, but you can stay in a small plus. On foreign currency accounts for the year you will receive a small income from interest. Dollar money is well protected from inflation, so this amount in the bank can guarantee your financial peace of mind.
Step 2
Invest a thousand dollars in securities and you can make good money. Shares of the world's leading companies are showing good gains (especially high-tech giants: Google, Microsoft). It is prestigious to be a shareholder, you will get access to interesting information about the profits of the leading world and Russian companies. Part of the shares generates income through dividends; others do not pay dividends, but show annual growth.
Step 3
There is an option to transfer your money to the management of a financial broker. These can be found in most large Russian banks (Sberbank, VTB) or on stock exchanges (the largest trading floor is located in Moscow - MICEX). The broker's task is to increase your assets and build a portfolio of securities. Each professional has his own tools - from currency transactions to investing in mutual funds.
Step 4
You can use the rule: "It is best to invest money in your development." Thousands of dollars can be enough to learn a foreign language. You can find a professional tutor and take lessons remotely via the Internet from $ 7-10 per hour. An example of such a language school is Tutoronline.ru. You will be able to get lessons with native speakers of English, German, French. And 80-100 hours of intensive training will be enough to master the language.
Step 5
Exercising can support your health, which no doubt cannot be bought. Two years of fitness, swimming or yoga will give you activity, peace of mind. You can also extend your life by several years - agree, a good investment of one thousand dollars.
Step 6
Starting a small business requires start-up capital - and in some areas, $ 1,000 will be enough. So, to create an LLC, an authorized capital of 10,000 rubles is required.