In collective or labor agreements with employees, you can establish additional payments for overtime work of any size, based on the minimum rate. The remuneration system stipulates that the accountant will calculate the additional payment for overtime work according to the following formulas.

Step 1
If your employees have an hourly rate set, then to calculate the overtime pay for the first 2 hours, multiply the hourly rate by 1, 5, get the hourly pay for overtime work, multiply the result by two, get the amount you have to pay for the first two hours …
To calculate the remaining amount, multiply the hourly rate by two, then multiply the result by the number of hours the employee worked overtime.
Step 2
If your employees have a daily rate, then in order to calculate the surcharge for the first 2 hours of overtime, multiply the number of working hours per day by 1, 5, then multiply the result by 2 hours. To calculate the surcharge for the subsequent hours that the employee worked overtime, multiply the number of hours worked in one day by 2, then multiply the result by the number of hours that the employee worked overtime.
Step 3
If your employees have a monthly salary, then in order to calculate the additional payment for the first overtime 2 hours, multiply the number of working hours per month by 1, 5, then multiply the result by 2 hours. To calculate the additional payment for the subsequent time, multiply the number of working hours per month by 2, then multiply the result by the number of hours the employee worked overtime.
Step 4
If your employees have a piece-rate system of payment, then in order to calculate the additional payment for the first 2 hours of overtime, multiply the piece rate by 1, 5, then multiply the result by the amount of products that the employee made in the first 2 hours of overtime. To calculate the surcharge for subsequent overtime hours, multiply the piece rate by 2, then multiply the result by the number of products that the employee made in the following overtime hours.
Step 5
Pay due attention to the situation when your employees have a cumulative record of all working hours. The legislation does not provide for special rules for the payment of overtime work for employees who work according to the summarized recording of working hours. Based on this, apply the general rules. Pay for the first two overtime hours at least one and a half times more, and the subsequent time at least twice as much.