How To Name A Furniture Company

How To Name A Furniture Company
How To Name A Furniture Company

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The furniture market is one of the most saturated in the world. New production facilities are opened every day, new furniture firms and shops appear. In this situation, the problem of attracting the attention of a potential client becomes more and more difficult. The choice of the original selling name can help in solving it.

How to name a furniture company
How to name a furniture company

It is necessary

Dictionaries, internet access


Step 1

Define your target audience. Clients can be categorized by purchasing power, industry, geography, etc. For example, if a company specializes in the production of luxury furniture for wealthy people, a name that emphasizes the high social status of buyers would be appropriate.

Step 2

Try to survey a group of people from your target audience to choose the most appropriate name. In the survey, you can suggest how to evaluate the existing options, and to name your own. Analyze all opinions carefully. It is possible that some of these ideas will turn out to be the most successful option in the end.

Step 3

Try to connect the type of activity and the name of the furniture company. This advice is especially relevant for small and medium-sized companies that focus on narrow specialization (i.e., each company is trying to gain a foothold in a certain market niche). Usually, at the initial stage, it is they who do not have so many funds that they can be invested in the promotion of some sonorous, but incomprehensible name. The name associated with the specifics of the activity, itself, to some extent, will serve as an advertisement and will allow you to save a little more.

Step 4

Use a variety of dictionaries. These can be dictionaries of foreign words, explanatory or dictionaries of associations. Perhaps this will help you find original and interesting versions. Electronic versions can be found on the Internet.

Step 5

Having chosen a few of the most appropriate and interesting names, write them down on a separate piece of paper and hide them somewhere for at least a few days. Over time, you will be able to more realistically look at all the advantages and disadvantages of the selected options. Eliminate the unnecessary and let your family and friends look through the list so that they can help you choose the one most successful name. Use a search engine to check it for uniqueness in your region. If any furniture production already has this name, take another option from the list.
