How To Count Money Quickly

How To Count Money Quickly
How To Count Money Quickly

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In banks and shops, you can see an advertisement asking you to count money without leaving the cash register. And, if you decide to count the change at the checkout, it is advisable to do it quickly so as not to delay the queue. Sellers and bankers use calculating machines to quickly count money. And buyers and clients of banks have to count their money manually.

How to count money quickly
How to count money quickly

It is necessary

Counting machine for money, water


Step 1

There are several ways to quickly count money. It is curious that they are different in different countries. Choose for yourself the one that is convenient for you.

Step 2

The way of quickly counting money, widespread in Japan, is as follows. The stack of bills is laid out in a wide fan. At the same time, it can be held in the hands on weight or laid out on the table. The fan should be so wide that every bill is visible. Then, several bills are removed or bent from this fan at once. For example, five pieces each. If the money is of the same denomination, then it can be counted very quickly. If the bills are of different denominations, it will take longer, but it will also be effective.

Step 3

Take a stack of money in your left hand if you are right-handed, and vice versa. Place your money between your middle and ring fingers. With your other hand, fold the stack so that the thumbs of both hands are on it. Hold the bills with your left thumb, and count them with your right thumb.

Step 4

Afghanistan, India, Pakistan have their own way of counting money. Banknotes are placed on the palm of your right hand if you are right-handed, and vice versa. Then, with all fingers, except for the thumb, hold them on top. Now it is convenient to count money with your left hand.

Step 5

In Russia and Poland, money is considered in a similar way. But cover them with only three fingers of your right hand, if you are right-handed. The little finger is under the stack of bills and supports it.

Step 6

In Turkey, it is customary to arrange money in piles on the table. It's also convenient.

Step 7

In America, Canada and England, money is kept in the left hand when counting if you are right-handed. The thumb of the left hand lies on top and counts, that is, moves the bills one by one, to the right hand. With the thumb of the right hand, these bills are removed.
