Few of the big businessmen will dare to organize a corporation, since its construction requires time and considerable intellectual and material investments. Still, this form of ownership has always been attractive to large investors.

It is necessary
- - shareholder agreements;
- - the charter of the board of directors;
- - investors;
- - business plan.
Step 1
Decide on a name for your future corporation and check to see if it is taken. To do this, analyze the data of the Federal Service for Intellectual Property in order not to violate the rights of other business organizations. To do this, go to the official resource: rupto.ru. Check with this service to see if your name is being used.
Step 2
Register your trademark with the Federal Institute of Industrial Property. Again, do an analysis of existing companies or corporations that may have used your name. If it is not on the list, fill out all the required registration documents that will be provided to you. Pay a small set amount and become the full owner of your brand. All details can be found on the website: www1.fips.ru.
Step 3
Decide in which countries your corporation will operate. Although you can register it in any state, it is much easier and cheaper to do this in your country of residence, since you will have to pay additional taxes and quotas established for non-state corporations.
Step 4
Find an experienced and professional board of directors for your organization. Its members must have some experience in this kind of entrepreneurship. Together, these people will draw up a corporate charter explaining business practices and any necessary procedures.
Step 5
Attract investors to organize your business. If they already exist, they will also need to develop a "shareholder agreement" that will determine the number and type of shares that the company will issue.
Step 6
Please contact government authorities further. Submit all the documents and bylaws that you have drafted with the board of directors and explain that you want to create a new corporation under your chosen name. You will be provided with a list of documents that need to be processed. After that, pay also the prescribed registration fee. Within two weeks, if successful, you will receive a certificate of registration of your corporation.
Step 7
Create a business plan to physically bring your vision to life. Calculate how much money will be needed for materials, equipment, staff, marketing, launch of the first batch of products. Next, calculate the estimated profit for the first few months. Remember that the payback of such enterprises can begin no earlier than in 6 months or 1 year. Consider these points. Then put all the steps of the plan into practice.