It is generally accepted that agriculture in modern Russia is an unprofitable business. But not rabbit breeding. Rabbit breeding is economically profitable. Caring for animals is simple, it does not require much time, there are no difficulties in providing the animals with food, but as a result, dietary tasty meat is on the table all year round. And for all this, you just need to build a mini-farm and breed rabbits.

Step 1
A mini-farm for rabbits consists of four cells in 2 tiers of 2 in pairs, four hay nurseries, 2 gravity feed troughs, 2 water drinkers, 2 mounted queen cells (with nests), a manure removal system and a system ventilation.
Step 2
To make a frame (the basis for a mini-farm), use bars with a cross section of 45 * 90 mm or 45 * 40 mm from coniferous wood. After you assemble the frame, paint it thoroughly with nitro enamel (white). Make the rest of the parts easily removable so that you can easily replace them during use.
Step 3
Make the parts for the hay nursery out of waterproof plywood, 7-8 mm thick. Attach plywood parts using nails or screws to a frame made of bars, the cross section of which is 40 * 45 mm. The hay nursery will immediately serve as a door to the cell. On the inside, cover the manger with a galvanized mesh, with a cell of 25 * 50 mm. When you complete the entire assembly, paint the outer part with white nitro enamel.
Step 4
Make a feed trough using the same technology. For the frame, use bars of 40x45 mm, but all wooden parts must be upholstered with tin, otherwise the rabbits can gnaw them. Attach plywood parts to a 20 * 20 mm rail. Paint the outside of the feeder.
Step 5
On a 20 * 20 mm block, assemble the parts for the watering device, but first glue all the inner sides of the parts or use a stapler to attach foil insulation, the thickness of which is 4 mm. Build the queen cell and the maternity ward in the same way. Carefully paint both of these rooms outside and inside with white nitro enamel.
Step 6
To collect manure, make cones from 20 * 20 mm slats. Collect them with rivets, paint over the inside with slate car mastic.
Step 7
Build the floor from slats and cover with a rail made of galvanized sheet. It should be easy to remove. Install the truss on brick posts, strictly horizontal. Several of these mini-farms, placed under one roof, are called "shed". You can arrange them at your discretion. Make sure to make the front side of the farm face south. The roof can be covered with any material, you can also make trays for the drainage of the rain Veda. Perform all electrical work in compliance with all rules and regulations. To maintain the required water temperature in the water trough (+25 C), a thermostat is required. One thermostat is enough for 30-40 mini-farms.