Any plumbing system is equipped with a meter that shows how much water is consumed, how much water is consumed per user. Water meters are also installed in order not to pay extra money for water that has not been spent.

Step 1
In order for the meter to show correct data on the consumption of water resources, convince you to install a working meter that meets all state standards. Naturally, some measures should be taken on your part as well. In order not to pay extra money and not to be intimidated by the size of water bills, check the condition of plumbing throughout the house. Make sure there are no leaks anywhere, the taps are tight and there is no water leaking from the pipes. All these little things are your "dripping" money.
Step 2
The installation of water meters can be carried out by you yourself only when you are one hundred percent sure that you know exactly how to do it. If not, call the water meter installer. After the first month has passed since installation, you need to take readings from it in order to pay for the consumed water. It is very easy to take readings from water meters. Each water meter has a display. The last digits in the row mean hundredths and thousandths. They change quickly and show how much water you are currently using. However, to calculate the payment, be guided by the first numbers in the line on the scoreboard.
Step 3
Write off the current data from the counter in the middle of the month. If this is your first reporting month, then the current dates will appear simultaneously with the readings for the current period. If you take readings, for example, for the second time, then subtract the readings of the previous month from the current readings.
Step 4
Provide the received data to the ZhEK. In about a week, you will receive a receipt for payment of water services. Don't be surprised if the amount on your receipt slightly exceeds the amount you calculated. Utilities will often add to your readings the costs of general leaks and cleaning stairwells in the stairwell. Pay for the use of water at any bank or through payment terminals, if the ZhEK system allows it. If you are not familiar with modern payment methods, contact the post office - there is a utility department where you can always pay for any utility bills.