Overtime work, that is, work performed outside the normal working hours, is harmful to the health of the employee and the environment in the organization, therefore, the employer's obligation to pay overtime at an increased rate is prescribed in the labor legislation.

It is necessary
Labor code, information on employee wages, calculator
Step 1
Open article 152 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and read there that overtime work is paid for the first two hours of work at least one and a half times, for the next hours - at least twice. Thus, in order to calculate the amount of the additional payment, you need to remember, according to which system you pay for this particular employee.
Step 2
If an employee is paid at daily or hourly wage rates, then everything is simple. The first two hours of work in excess of the established working hours are paid at the rate of one and a half hour rate, and further hours - at the rate of double.
Step 3
If an employee receives a monthly salary, then calculate his hourly rate (divide the salary by the normalized number of working hours per month). Further, the task is reduced to the previous point.
Step 4
If the employee receives a piece-rate wage, then the additional payment for overtime work is made at the piece-rate increased by the corresponding order. Suppose the function of an employee is to pet cats, and for each cat he receives 10 rubles. Therefore, in the first two hours of overtime, he will receive 15 rubles for each petted cat, and starting from the third hour - 20 rubles.
Step 5
Before charging an employee an overtime bonus, check to see if he is working for you on irregular working hours. In this case, such an additional payment is not due to him.
Step 6
If the organization uses the summarized accounting of working hours, then the calculation of overtime hours worked and the implementation of due payments is made only at the end of the accounting period.