A business plan is a document that reflects all the activities of your future company, sources of income and possible expenses. A well-written business plan is the key to successful entrepreneurship.

Step 1
To get started, fill out the cover page of the business plan. It should contain the following elements: the full name of your company, the full name of the head of the organization, the period for which this plan is designed and the date of its preparation, contact details of the company.
Step 2
The second point of the plan should be your business idea and those factors that in one way or another affect its implementation. For example, if you want to open a store selling auto parts, in the "idea" section you should write: "Retail trade in auto parts". Describe the possible factors that will contribute to the promotion: the absence of competitors near the place of the intended trade, some other positive aspects that allow your business to develop successfully.
Step 3
Indicate the type of your business in the plan: will you register an LLC or would you prefer to act as an individual entrepreneur. There should also be information about the amount of funds that will be invested in the business, and the estimated payback period. For example, you invest 200 thousand rubles and expect that they will pay off in a year.
Step 4
The next item is the characteristics of the products. Tell us exactly what you are planning to trade, how your product compares favorably with competitors' products, which country is the manufacturer of these products, what price you plan to set.
Step 5
Indicate estimated income and expenses. Carefully write down how much money you are willing to spend on the implementation of your project, what you expect the rate of sales and how these rates can be increased. Do not forget to leave about 20% of the expenses for unforeseen expenses that will inevitably arise.
Step 6
Expand the sequence of your future actions in the plan. For example, registering an organization, renting premises for a store, an agreement on wholesale supplies of goods, recruiting personnel, an advertising campaign, opening a company.
Step 7
If you have difficulties with drawing up a business plan, contact special organizations whose staff will help you develop this document and start a successful entrepreneurial activity.