If you decide to start your own business and start your own business, then try to take one more step in the right direction - let it be an online store. We live in the digital age, when every type of business is gradually moving to the network. The Internet is a boundless sea of potential customers, the ability to use modern advertising technologies and much more, which can raise your business to the proper height. We start, as usual, with a business plan.

Step 1
Determine the scope of the future online store: what kind of product (goods, services) you will sell. Electronic business design should be carried out taking into account the specifics of the goods being sold.
Step 2
When preparing your business plan, keep in mind that your product needs to be standardized. This is due to the format of the business, which does not provide for the opportunity to see and touch the product until it is delivered to the consumer. It is unlikely that you should be involved in the sale of rare and unique goods.
Step 3
Analyze supply and demand for online store services. This information will help you in the future to determine the product group intended for implementation in the projected online store. To collect information, use open information posted in print and on network resources; Internet search engines will be of great help to you.
Step 4
Estimate the estimated income for the online store project. To do this, consider the estimated sales for each product category. Taking into account the accepted pricing policy of the store, calculate the future income for the project. Make time adjustments and price adjustments based on supply and demand.
Step 5
Describe your marketing strategy to attract customers in the plan. The most significant expense item should be the cost of advertising on the Internet, in particular, banner and contextual advertising. Take into account whether the projected online store will be an independent trading platform or it will only complement a real business.
Step 6
Draw up a section of the business plan that deals with investment costs. For the successful implementation of an online store project, competent website promotion is necessary (store traffic will directly depend on this), therefore, the key costs will be on the creation, maintenance and promotion of an Internet resource. It will require the purchase of software and computers, a specialized server. Take into account the costs of renting premises, furniture and the formation of an assortment of goods. However, if your online store will specialize entirely in digital products (for example, selling e-books or software), the need for space may not arise.
Step 7
Write down in the business plan various options for organizing the delivery of goods to consumers and building a scheme for working with suppliers. It will also be necessary to develop a detailed system of payment for orders, including an electronic payment system.
Step 8
The final section of the business plan is devoted to the financial and economic assessment of the project, where calculate the main performance indicators of the future online store and possible risks.