A private courier service can be a very successful business. If you are thinking about organizing such an enterprise, you should consider several important points that will help you do business competently and avoid pitfalls. The main requirement for a courier service is to ensure timely and reliable delivery.

Step 1
Formulate the main points of creating a courier service in the form of a business plan. This section-structured information will help you focus on your priorities without missing out on the essential details of your future business.
Step 2
Take care of the correct execution of the presentation documents for the couriers of the service. Successful business requires that the service makes a decent impression, whether it is about the delivery of documents or food.
Step 3
Provide each courier with a personal ID with personal information, organization name and specialization of the delivery service. Such a detail can make a positive impression on customers, some of whom may be very distrustful. For example, when carrying out courier delivery to apartments, your employee may simply not open the door if he cannot confirm his authority.
Step 4
Design high-quality business cards that the courier will leave with the client. On the business card, provide contact information, service opening hours and information about additional conditions that you provide to regular customers. A business card can simultaneously serve as a flyer, the presentation of which guarantees the client a small but pleasant bonus.
Step 5
Conduct a research on the pricing policy of shipping services in your area. This will allow you to establish a price that is profitable for you and not burdensome for the client for your services. Use the Internet (courier service websites) to collect information and direct calls to competitors in order to obtain information on their prices. Such calls will also help you get useful additional information about the effective organization of the process of work of such services, since you can immediately assess the work of the department that is in direct contact with potential customers.
Step 6
When setting prices for services, include in the costs the cost of transporting correspondence around the city, the cost of maintaining a small office and administrative costs.
Step 7
Take care of creating a small website of your own, especially if the work of the service will be related to the delivery of documents. If you find it difficult to create such an information resource on your own, study the sites of competitors and entrust the work to qualified specialists.