Housing in our time is very expensive. Often, when buying, future owners go into debt for many years. But some of the money can be returned. This happens in the form of a property tax deduction.

Step 1
If you regularly pay 13% income tax, you are entitled to a property tax deduction for the amount of home purchases not exceeding 2 million rubles. However, not all so simple. Not every apartment purchased is entitled to such generous compensation from the state. The apartment should be your first home; you must purchase it at your own expense from strangers. Transactions between close relatives are not taken into account when calculating the tax deduction.
Step 2
To apply for a refund of income tax, you will need the following package of documents: - tax declaration for the past year, form 3-NDFL
- certificate of income form 2-NDFL
- a copy of the contract of purchase and sale of an apartment with an indication of its value
- certificate of ownership of housing
- if the house was purchased with a mortgage, a loan agreement with a bank.
Step 3
The state provides for two forms of tax deduction refund - transfer of the entire amount paid to a bank account or gradual settlement at the place of your work. This means that your salary will not be subject to income tax until you receive the full compensation due to you. The second option is most convenient for specialists who are just starting their career, because in the first case, the tax that was paid to the state for the previous working years is compensated. And with a little experience, there will be nothing special to return.
Step 4
And even though the amount of 2 million rubles is spelled out in the terms of the tax refund, do not hesitate to inquire if there are some individual advantages in your particular case. So, when buying an apartment on credit, a tax deduction can be obtained not only from the base amount, but also from the amount of interest on the mortgage. If you buy an apartment in a new building, and you yourself will be engaged in its interior decoration, the cost of finishing materials and the cost of work performed are also subject to compensation in the form of a property tax deduction. At the same time, do not forget to carefully collect and store all receipts and contracts confirming the total cost of finishing work.

Step 5
To date, many citizens have already taken advantage of the opportunity to receive tax compensation for housing, so we can say that the mechanism for implementing the procedure is well developed. Contact the tax office at your place of residence, where they will give you more detailed information, help you draw up the necessary documents, you just have to get the money required by law.