If you bought an apartment, you should know that according to the law of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, Article 220, you can return 13% of the purchase price within three years from the date of purchase and sale. A tax deduction can only be obtained once in a lifetime. It is provided for an amount not exceeding two million rubles, that is, the maximum amount for a tax refund does not exceed 260 thousand rubles. In order for you to be able to return this amount, you need to do the following.

Step 1
According to Article No. 78 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, net of tax, you need to contact the tax office of your area no later than 3 years from the date of purchase. Write a statement of the proposed form about the desire to return the tax. Provide all documents proving the fact of purchase: a certificate of state registration of an apartment, a receipt from your seller about the amount of money received, a purchase and sale agreement indicating the amount of the transaction, an act of acceptance of the transfer, your passport and your tax number (I. N..).
Based on the documents, you will be given a certificate. By submitting it to the accounting department of the enterprise, you will not be deducted a 13% tax until the amount you owe is collected. All this is done if you do not want to receive a cash tax deduction. In this case, you can apply immediately after buying an apartment.
Step 2
If you want to receive a tax deduction in cash, you need to contact the tax office one year after the date of purchase. Provide a list of documents: a passport, a certificate of state registration of an apartment, a receipt from the seller indicating the amount of money received by him, a purchase and sale agreement with the amount of the transaction specified in it, your TIN, all information about the work.
Step 3
You will be refunded 13% of the purchase only if the amount of tax due to the refund has already been paid by you.