Your old dream has come true - you bought an apartment. Surely, you have spent a lot of money, both personal savings and credit. It took a lot of time and effort to complete all the necessary documents. But you still have very little work to do to get the property tax deduction on your home purchase.

It is necessary
- • copy of the passport;
- • certificate of income of an individual in the form of 2-NDFL, if you have several jobs, then certificates from all these places;
- • a free-form application for a tax deduction;
- • tax declaration in the form N 3-NDFL;
- • a copy of the act on the transfer of the apartment (if building a house);
- • a copy of the certificate of ownership of the apartment, if it already exists;
- • certificate of interest paid on the mortgage loan, if you took out a mortgage loan from the bank;
- • Copies of payment documents confirming your expenses for the purchase of housing.
Step 1
When purchasing an apartment, you should know that you are entitled to a tax break in the form of a property deduction for its purchase. This deduction can only be granted to you once in a lifetime. Some categories of citizens are deprived of the right to this deduction. Among them are citizens who are not residents of the Russian Federation, non-working pensioners, individual entrepreneurs who pay a single tax on imputed income or work under a simplified taxation system. Also, you are not eligible for this deduction if you paid for the apartment from funds that are not subject to income tax, including maternity capital, dividends or lottery winnings.
Step 2
If you are in doubt about your right to receive a deduction for the purchase of an apartment, consult with the tax inspector at your place of residence, he will help you determine exactly this right. If you are a recipient of such a deduction, then see how much you can get this deduction.
According to the Tax Code, a property deduction for the purchase of an apartment is provided in the amount of actually incurred expenses, but cannot exceed 2 million rubles (since January 2008). This means that when you buy an apartment, you will be refunded the income tax paid by you on your income for the entire value of your apartment, but not more than 2 million rubles. The maximum refund amount will be 260 thousand rubles. (13% of 2 million rubles).
Since January 2010 You can get an unlimited deduction on the amount of interest you pay on your bank mortgage. For example, you bought a house for 5 million rubles, taking a loan from the bank. The amount of interest that you must pay to the bank for the entire loan period will be 1 million rubles. In this case, you should receive a deduction for the following amount: the cost of the apartment, but not more than 2 million rubles. + interest on the loan, 13% x (2,000,000 + 1,000,000) = 390,000 rubles.
Step 3
Most likely, when forming a package of documents for obtaining a deduction, you may have difficulties filling out a tax return in the form of 3-NDFL. If you have never had to do this before, use the help of companies or individuals who will provide such services for a small amount. Some firms offer to file the tax return directly on the Internet, but for this you must be ready to provide them with full personal information and income statements.
If you decide to do it yourself, then you can take the declaration forms both from the tax office at your place of residence and on the Internet in Excel spreadsheet format. You will need to make some calculations yourself when filling out the declaration. Please note that tax inspectors advise you to fill out the declaration with a simple pencil first, and it will be possible to circle it with a pen only after it has been checked by an employee of the tax authority.
Step 4
For your convenience, the Tax Service of the Russian Federation has developed the "Declaration" program. You can go to their official website at the link and download the program itself and instructions for filling it out. The program itself does all the calculations, the results of which you will need to print out on a printer, sign on each sheet and take them to the tax office along with the rest of the documents. Also copy the results of filling out the declaration on a magnetic medium (floppy disk), this will significantly speed up the procedure for processing your declaration by the tax inspector. Some divisions of the tax inspectorate have introduced the mandatory submission of the 3-NDFL declaration in electronic form
Step 5
As a rule, within one month you will receive a letter to your mailing address with the original tax notification of the accrual of the property tax deduction in your name in the specified amount.
Upon receipt of this notification, you must again go to the tax office with the following package of documents:
• a copy of the tax deduction notice you received by mail;
• a free-form application for a tax deduction indicating the details of your personal current account and the bank in which this account is registered;
• a copy of the savings book (spread of the title page).
After some time, funds in the amount of the property tax deduction accrued to you will be credited to your current account.