When receiving or accumulating a significant amount of money, a person is faced with the problem of investing these funds. It is foolish to just keep a million rubles, since finances require turnover and can be multiplied if you invest them correctly. Before investing your savings anywhere, you need to carefully consider the current situation.

Step 1
Make a list of your debts and credit obligations. Calculate the amount of overpayment if you will pay off the debt on time. If this value is significant, then it is recommended to solve the issue of investing a million by paying off part of your debts. This will allow you to save in the future certain amounts that can be attributed to earnings.
Step 2
Determine the purpose of savings. If you received a million rubles from your grandmother or parents with instructions to spend money on training or travel, then you need to carefully consider the possible investments. You should not hide all the money in an envelope and wait for the moment when you can use it for its intended purpose. Invest your savings in short-term deposits or open a gold account in rubles. In any case, you will not only save your million, but you are guaranteed to get an increase.
Step 3
Invest in mutual funds or stocks if you want to invest in the long term. At the same time, it is necessary to carefully analyze the state of the market, check media reports and rumors. Otherwise, you can invest your savings in unverified sources and, as a result, lose all the accumulated money.
Step 4
Start your own business or become an investor in an existing company. Before that, it is recommended to assess the market situation and determine the future development of the company. To do this, you can use the services of specialized companies that will tell you how to run a business correctly in order to increase the funds invested in it.
Step 5
Invest in the stock markets. In this case, you can independently engage in the purchase and sale of currency, stocks or futures, or get it to professional traders. In the first case, it is imperative to first undergo training in trading on the exchange, and in the second, to analyze the statistics of the intermediary's work. Find out what trading strategies he uses and how he analyzes the market.