Why are some people rich and some poor? This is rather strange, because all people are born exactly the same. Here we are talking specifically about the choice of life path, the way of thinking, habits and behavior. There are some traps that people fall into that keep them from getting out of poverty.

Step 1
People don't understand the value of wealth. For someone, being rich means having a million euros, for someone - 100,000 rubles. You must clearly understand how much money you really need, what is in your understanding of wealth. And only then you will have the opportunity to get them, there will be a reason why you can have money.
Step 2
Floating targets. Very often people cannot get out of poverty because they set themselves unclear goals. Today 20,000 rubles will be enough, and tomorrow 40,000 is not enough. Therefore, today you need to calculate how much you will need in the future and, based on this, set a specific goal.
Step 3
Overly ambitious goals. Some people set goals, although they understand in advance that it is almost impossible to achieve them. For example, the goal is to become a millionaire in a month, but at the moment there is not even a job. Therefore, when people set unattainable goals for themselves, they themselves do not believe that they can be achieved, while they do not begin to move anywhere, do not make any attempts, respectively, money does not appear from anywhere.
Step 4
The need for wealth. Many would like to have a lot of money, but there is no urgent need to have more money than we already have now. This means that you do not need wealth, otherwise you would already have more than you do now.
Step 5
There is no clear plan. It is not enough to set a goal, you also need to develop a plan according to which you will move towards your goal. If there are no plans, then you will make many mistakes, and the process of getting rich will be long and difficult.
Step 6
There is no good mentor. Whatever you do in your life, you must do it professionally. If you want to make big money, seek advice from those who have already achieved great results and become rich.
Step 7
Think long, but act slowly. Many people have this problem. One man bought real estate when no one believed in it. It was very cheap, so it was a good investment. When everyone realized that it was very profitable, the prices were already much higher. The only difference is that this man did not think and act for long, everyone else thought for a very long time, so they did not even have time to do anything. Accordingly, it became clear which of them earned money.