Money with varying degrees and types of damage can be exchanged at any bank in Russia. Russian rubles will be changed absolutely free of charge in any bank window. And you will have to pay for the exchange of a dollar bill.

Step 1
The damaged banknote must retain at least 55% of the original area. This provision applies not only to torn money, but also to washed, burnt, etc. The authenticity of banknotes is determined using special equipment, which is in each bank. If you accidentally torn a banknote, you can glue it and exchange it for a new one. In this case, it does not matter how many parts it will consist of. Perhaps even from two different banknotes of the same denomination, but with an obligatory condition: one or more fragments must belong to the same banknote and occupy at least 55% of its original area.
Step 2
In some cases, a detailed examination will be required. Then, instead of exchange, the damaged banknote is sent to the regional branch of the Central Bank of Russia. If you have an account with this or any commercial bank, then with a successful result of the examination, the money will go to it. You will need to write a statement indicating your passport details, contact phone number, number and denomination of the damaged banknote. As a rule, the examination takes no more than a week and is free of charge. Detection of counterfeit money is punishable by law.
Step 3
As for dollars, their exchange is part of the banking business. Depending on the policy of the bank, you may be refused to exchange any foreign currency or be required for this process a commission in the amount of 3% to 10% of the nominal value of the note. To change or not to change is up to the banks themselves, since each of them relies on the regulation of the Bank of Russia No. 199-P "On the procedure for conducting cash transactions in credit institutions on the territory of the Russian Federation." According to this document, the rules for the exchange of banknotes of foreign states are developed by banks independently. The collection of a commission is associated with the rules for accepting spoiled money by issuing banks (examination abroad, etc.)