Maternity capital can be used for housing construction, subject to certain rules. They relate to both the site on which the building will be located, and the features of the facility being built. A package of documents is also prepared in advance.

The maternity capital can be used both for the construction of a completely new house, and for its completion or reconstruction. A separate point in the legislative acts is the allocation of funds for the already actually completed construction.
What are the conditions for getting money?
There are several rules that make it easier to get money:
- construction must take place on the territory of Russia;
- the site must be owned by the owner, and its purpose must be IZHS (individual residential construction);
- documents must be received in advance from the local government to permit the start of construction.
If we talk about receiving money for reconstruction, then they will be issued in the event that after the work carried out, the total area of the house was increased by at least ¼ of the part. If the purpose of the land is not the construction of a residential capital house, get a mat. capital for construction is impossible.
As an alternative solution, it is allowed to use state assistance for the construction, for which the loan was originally issued.
How are the documents drawn up?
When asking for help from hired workers, you will need to document all costs incurred. When using contractors, the holders of the maternity certificate will not receive money - they will be immediately transferred to the account of the company with which the contract was concluded.
If the construction takes place with the help of our own forces, then the following features are taken into account:
- the first half is provided upon initial application;
- the second half is issued after confirmation of the completion of the construction;
- funds are transferred to the account of one of the spouses.
The list of necessary documents for the execution of the contract is determined by law. The Pension Fund of Russia should be provided with:
- the certificate itself;
- documents for the land plot;
- construction permitting paper;
- work agreement;
- Marriage certificate;
- passports, birth certificates;
- a written commitment to register the house as a common property.
You will need to bring documents that confirm that the building is capital, will have load-bearing walls and a foundation. The presence of engineering systems is mandatory. In this case, the structure must be in working order, which will ensure the safety of engineering equipment.
In conclusion, we note that it is impossible to apply maternity capital directly to the construction of a house before the child reaches three years of age. The only exception is credit liabilities. The money can go to pay the body of the loan and interest if it was taken for housing construction. You can also use them to make a down payment on a loan.