The tax rate is one of the main criteria for calculating the tax and is the amount of tax charges per unit of the taxable base.

Step 1
The tax rate is one of the essential elements of calculating taxes along with the object of taxation, tax base, tax period, the procedure for calculating the amount of tax, etc. Only when the entire set of essential elements is determined, the tax is considered established.
Step 2
According to the method of calculation, tax rates are of three types: fixed, proportional and progressive. The flat tax rate has a definite absolute value regardless of the size of the payer's income. This rate is also called the real tax.
Step 3
The proportional tax rate is expressed as a certain percentage of the taxable base, regardless of its volume. For example, in the Russian Federation, the personal income tax rate is 13 percent.
Step 4
The progressive tax rate increases as the taxpayer's income increases. There are two types of progressive bet: easy and hard. In a simple progression, the rate increases with an increase in the tax base for the entire amount of income. With a complex progression, the taxable base is divided into parts, each of which is taxed at its own rate. At the same time, the rate increases not for the entire income, but only for its part, which increased relative to the previous tax period.
Step 5
The tax rate, expressed as a percentage of the payer's income, is called the tax quota.
Step 6
The object of taxation is property, profit, sale of goods or services and other circumstances that have a value characteristic, with the presence of which the taxpayer is obliged to pay tax. Moreover, each object has its own tax rate.
Step 7
A taxpayer can be either an individual (individual entrepreneur) or a legal entity (organization, firm). Standard tax periods are a calendar month, quarter or year. The annual period can be divided into several time intervals, after which advance payments are paid (for example, once a quarter).