The state charges every person with income 13%. When spending a considerable amount on treatment, the opportunity to receive a social deduction is provided. Fill out the declaration, the form of which was developed and approved by the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate of the Russian Federation. Attach to it receipts for payment of medicines, prescription forms, 2-NDFL certificate and other documents, the list of which you can find out from the tax authority.

It is necessary
- - the program "Declaration";
- - Tax Code of the Russian Federation;
- - license of a medical organization;
- - an agreement with a medical organization;
- - receipts for payment of medicines;
- - prescription forms for medicines.
Step 1
Ask the medical institution where you were treated for a license. Make a copy of it, ask it to certify it with the blue seal of the organization. During the entire period of observation from a specialist, take the forms of the prescribed prescriptions, which are also certified by the seal of the hospital and the signature of the attending physician. Keep them until you receive the funds to your current account.
Step 2
Collect all receipts for payment for the services of the medical organization, if the observation in the hospital is on a paid basis. Keep cash receipts and sales receipts for the purchase of medicines and attach them to the declaration, which will be discussed later.
Step 3
In the company where you are registered, you have been performing a labor function for more than six months, ask them to draw up a 2-NDFL certificate for you. It shows income for the previous six months. Moreover, a tax of 13% of the amount of your remuneration must be withheld from them.
Step 4
Install the Declaration program on your computer. Set conditions in it. Enter the tax service number, type of declaration, which in this case corresponds to 3-NDFL. Another natural person will be a taxpayer sign. In the paragraph of available income, mark those incomes that are confirmed by a 2-NDFL certificate.
Step 5
Enter your personal data, series, passport number, and department code. Write your full registration address. Don't forget to include your mobile phone number.
Step 6
In the deduction column, tick the box for granting social deduction. Calculate the total amount spent on medicines. Write it in the “for treatment” box. If the drugs are on the list approved by the Russian government, you will be given a deduction. When spending money on expensive inpatient treatment of a medical company that has a license to provide paid services, enter the amount according to the agreement in the column “for expensive treatment”.
Step 7
Make a statement addressed to the head of the tax office. State your request for a social deduction for expensive treatment. Submit your declaration, application, receipts, cash registers, sales receipts, medical institution license and hospital agreement to the tax office. Within 3-4 months, money will be credited to your current account, the amount of which is determined depending on the amount of income.