All working citizens pay 13% of their income to the state budget. With the cost of treatment, including expensive ones, it is possible to return some of the money. For this, a declaration is drawn up, when filling out which you need to be guided by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The declaration is accompanied by documentation, the list of which may vary depending on the region.

It is necessary
- - the program "Declaration";
- - license of a medical organization;
- - an agreement with a medical organization;
- - receipts for payment of medicines;
- - prescription forms for medicines.
Step 1
To confirm receipt of paid medical services, ask the institution where you received treatment for a copy of the license. Please note that this document is certified by the blue seal of the medical organization. The license confirms the right of the hospital to engage in paid treatment of patients.
Step 2
When receiving prescription drugs, keep the prescription forms written out by the attending physician, certified by the signature of the specialist, and the seal of the medical institution. Be sure to keep sales receipts, cash receipts for payment of medicines. Confirmation of the passage of paid treatment in the hospital are receipts, as well as an agreement with the hospital, in which the cost of medical services is prescribed.
Step 3
At the company where you have been working for at least six months, make a request for a certificate of income in the accounting department of the enterprise. The document prescribes the amount of remuneration for the previous six months. Please note that payroll income tax must be withheld by the employer.
Step 4
In the Declaration program, enter a condition statement. Indicate the number of the inspection where the declaration is submitted. Write in the type of declaration 3-NDFL. In the sign of a taxpayer, check the item "other individual". Confirm your income with a 2-NDFL certificate.
Step 5
Enter your personal data, passport details, including its series, number, department code. Indicate the address of your registration, phone number (mobile, home).
Step 6
Select a social deduction in the deduction. Enter the amount spent on drugs in the Treatment field. Please note that the government of the Russian Federation has approved a list of medicines from which it is possible to receive a deduction. If drugs are on this list, then 13% will be returned. When receiving paid medical services in a hospital, indicate the amount of money spent in the "Expensive treatment" field.
Step 7
Print your declaration. Submit it along with a package of documents, an application for a deduction to the tax authority. Within 4 months, part of the money will go to your current account specified in the application.