Feng Shui is a real science that helps you look at the world in a different way. It helps not only to attract wealth, prosperity to family and relationships, but also to change your inner world. How wonderful it is when people really try to change their lives for the better. Only then does Feng Shui really work. After all, it is important not only to understand where the Feng Shui money zone is, but also to believe that it will bring prosperity to life.

Step 1
It is conventionally accepted that the monetary zone is in the east. For Feng Shui, the east is of great importance. This part of the world is recognized as the most enlightened and attained the highest level of development, having comprehended the great secrets of the world. This is where money should be kept so that it brings profit to its owner.
Step 2
The money zone is just fine, but you still need to decide how to properly store money and how to observe all the rituals in this matter. We need to place a special tree in the wealth zone, which is called the money tree. This is a fat woman, it is sold in almost any flower shop.
Step 3
Next, you need to place an envelope with money that is in the house under the pot. This way, we can keep financial well-being in the home and succeed in budgeting. The presence of faith is imperative. She also attracts material values.