In the East they know that the success of sales depends not only on the price of the goods. Here, great importance is attached to the mood of customers and the creation of positive energy in the store. It is this task of Feng Shui sieves - a teaching that has won the hearts of many sellers and helps them make huge profits every day. Arrange the goods correctly, add light and brightness, create a positive attitude - and now a line of customers lined up at the door of the store.

Step 1
If you want to sell an apartment or house, first of all, you need to clear it of negative energy - wash the floors, clean up the closets, remove the cobwebs from the corners. Place fruits or flowers on the table for a joyous holiday feeling. In the hallway, you can hang a bunch of bulbs entwined with a red ribbon, it is believed that onions are the master of the house and the keeper of its energy and comfort. Put a patch under the rug of the front door - after all, the Feng Shui number five attracts money and good luck. And light the lights in the hallway - let the light energy penetrate into all corners of the apartment. By the way, submit an advertisement for the sale on the growing moon - it is this lunar cycle that can attract more buyers.
Step 2
If you want to sell a car, Feng Shui teachings will also come to your rescue. So, for example, in the East it is considered successful to sell a car in August - this is the eighth month of the year, and the number eight is a symbol of success. In addition, the place on the site where you put the car and its color are of great importance. So, for example, it is not recommended to place a yellow or red car in the north side, you will sell the car faster if the windshield faces south. But place the cold-colored cars in the northern part of the parking lot. Put a talisman in the car - Chinese coins, Ganesha elephant or traditional Hotei.
Step 3
If you want to open a store, remember the important rules for the location of your salon, depending on the type of product: for example, if you are going to sell computers, choose the east side, in the southeast there will be successful sales of CDs with music and sightseeing tours, travel goods. Clothes and lamps sell better on the south side, but on the southwest side - everything connected with the land - gardening tools, flower pots. The western side of the mall is ideal for selling jewelry - because it is associated with the female Yin, clothing, and perfumery. It is good if the store has good lighting that attracts Qi energy, and the aquarium will have a beneficial effect on customers: creating additional glare of light and interest in your store. In addition, use figurines of deities or, for example, a pyramid - a symbol of growth and prosperity. But, above all, a good-natured attitude towards everyone who entered the store.