How To Withdraw Surcharge In

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How To Withdraw Surcharge In
How To Withdraw Surcharge In

Video: How To Withdraw Surcharge In

Video: How To Withdraw Surcharge In
Video: Crypto.Com Fee Guide | Don't get caught out! 2024, October

Supplements are a variable part of wages. They can be stimulating, rewarding, supplementary or compensatory. Compensatory surcharges, such as for work on night shifts, in harmful, difficult or hazardous conditions, cannot be canceled. All other types of surcharges can be withdrawn, but a certain order of registration must be observed.

How to withdraw surcharge
How to withdraw surcharge

It is necessary

  • - the decision of the trade union;
  • - supplementary agreement;
  • - order;
  • - notification;
  • - new job responsibilities;
  • - legal acts.


Step 1

If your employees receive additional payments as a stimulation of labor productivity, incentives, for seniority, for certain labor successes, then their payments are enshrined in the internal legal acts of the enterprise. In order to cancel these types of surcharges, you are obliged to change the specified legal acts.

Step 2

Internal acts and other documents can only be changed by decision of the trade union organization. If such an organization exists at your enterprise, then you are obliged to gather its representatives and hold a general meeting, on the basis of which you will make a decision on the abolition of all types of additional payments that are not compensatory and are not guaranteed by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In the absence of a trade union, the decision is made by the council of heads of structural divisions.

Step 3

In accordance with the decision made, issue an order to cancel copayments. Familiarize all employees with the order. Change internal legal acts. Both in the decision of the union and in the order, you must indicate the reason for canceling the copayments. The reason can be attributed to the changed financial conditions of the enterprise, the difficult economic situation due to the lack of orders.

Step 4

After changing the internal documents, issue a notification for the accounting department.

Step 5

If you made additional payments for combining professions or for performing an additional type of work, for example, teachers for classroom management, foremen, foremen or other categories of employees, in order to remove the additional payments, you are obliged to remove an additional professional load.

Step 6

All types of additional activities are formalized by an additional agreement to the employment contract, if they are not indicated immediately when the employee is hired. In any case, you will have to draw up an additional agreement, order and make a change in job responsibilities. It is impossible to withdraw surcharges without removing the additional load.
