The concept of a security is usually applied in relation to a document that certifies some property rights, and the transfer or other actions with them are possible only after the presentation of the paper itself. Usually, such documents are filled out and drawn up in the prescribed form and in compliance with the mandatory details.

Step 1
In modern economic science, the following types and varieties of securities are distinguished - ordinary and preferred shares; promissory notes and bills of exchange; various depositary receipts prepared according to American, global and Russian standards; certificates of deposit; traveler's checks; mortgages and investment shares; bills of lading; OFZ and European bonds; issuing options; savings certificates.
Step 2
In modern legal practice, the main features of a security are determined - this is documentary (drawing up only by an authorized person), the conditions for the embodiment of private rights (when the paper is valuable not only in itself, but also due to the fact that it is the embodiment of “subjective civil practices »), The need to make a presentation (that is, the security must be presented for the rights enshrined in the document), the negotiability of the document (that is, the security is allowed to participate in civil transactions), as well as public reliability.
Step 3
The issue of securities or the issue is carried out as a special instrument for attracting financial resources. Moreover, the person issuing such documents or the issuer can be states, authorized authorities, as well as legal entities and individuals. A so-called prospectus should also be drawn up, containing general information about the document; regulation of the rights of its owner; information about the issuer; the procedure for keeping a security; the name of the organization keeping records of securities; data of the company engaged in the initial placement of the document; start and end dates of the document; terms, procedure and other conditions for the possible repayment of the obligation; information about the value of the security; indication of the direction of funds from the placement of the document; information on the yield on securities, as well as the current taxation procedure for income received from the document.
Step 4
There are also several types of securities prices - common and market (it is also called exchange rate). The first is a certain amount that is provided when a security is exchanged at the stage of its issue or during the redemption period, and the second is the capitalization of property rights on the paper and is calculated as the aggregate of this capitalization of several security rights (property and others).