Most people are constantly in a state of basic anxiety about money. Financial insecurity gives rise to fears, stress, insomnia and other nervous disorders. All this interferes with the creation of wealth. That is why it is important to ensure your financial security.

Most people are in a constant state of basic anxiety. This is due to the fear of being left without money, stress due to rising costs, prices, and higher taxes. It is this anxiety that prevents many from developing, keeps them within the bounds of poverty, ties them to unloved, but so necessary work. Breaking out of this circle is difficult, but everyone can do it. The main secret is to ensure yourself financial security. There is absolutely no need to radically change life and work, although over time a person himself begins to strive for change.
Financial security is capital
How does a person who has money feel? And not just a few bills in your wallet, but a certain amount in your cash account. He's calm! He is not afraid to be fired, to be left without orders and other sources of income. Even if troubles happen, he has the money to survive them.
Therefore, in order to rid yourself of feelings of anxiety, you need to secure yourself this capital, your insurance fund, an airbag. This can be a bank account, property rented out, royalties from the use of copyrights, etc.
One can argue: how to secure capital for yourself if you live from paycheck to paycheck and there is constantly not enough money? In most cases, the lack of money is associated solely with the inability to distribute it, the tendency to waste and spontaneous purchases, the presence of expensive loans, the unwillingness to earn extra money and develop as a specialist. Very rarely, there is not enough money due to low wages, in which case it is really worth looking for something more paid. You shouldn't give up everything and quit right away. Finding a good place can take more than one month, the main thing is to regularly monitor job advertisements. He who seeks will surely find.
In other cases, you should revise all items of expenditure, identify financial leaks, start saving 10% of each receipt of money will not greatly affect the financial situation, more often this amount is completely invisible. If you save it regularly, it gradually builds up into decent capital.
Sources of capital
Accumulation is the easiest way to create capital. Here it is important to keep this money and protect it from inflation, i.e. invest in profitable instruments, for example, securities, deposits, profitable bank cards.
The most interesting is passive income. Unlike savings, it brings money on a regular basis, can be increased, and have several financial flows. The simplest example is renting out real estate. Real estate is capital, rent is passive income and your basic financial security.
It is clear that not everyone has the opportunity to purchase real estate. it requires significant financial injections, maintenance costs, transactions are time-consuming, and there are risks. Free access to the Internet today allows you to create various sources of passive income. For example, placing advertisements on your own website, placing links of affiliate programs, various referral systems, blogging, etc. Creating your own website is much cheaper than the cost of a one-room apartment somewhere in the province, and with proper use and promotion, the financial flow can be much higher. And if you deal with all these issues on your own, then the investment will be minimal. Any working person can accumulate these amounts.
Another source of income is copyright. It can be an invention, development of a program or mobile application, or writing a book. In the latter case, even a deep knowledge of the Russian language is not required, the main thing is to write interesting and useful, and the editing will be taken over by an editor or proofreader. And here comes another important aspect, which is impossible to do without - education.
The power of education
You yourself can be capital. Your knowledge, skills, skills and experience can be assessed. This often reflects the size of wages. Of course, psychological attitudes, complexes and blocks have an impact; in general, a competent specialist will always be in demand and appreciated at its true worth.
The Internet allows you to get the necessary knowledge completely free of charge. Not all specialties require a diploma. Of course, you won't become a doctor from YouTube videos, but learning how to create websites using a designer, write articles, promote projects on the network, organize an online store, learn how to design nails or make wedding hairstyles is quite. If you wish, you can complete additional courses or go to university to get a diploma, but skills and experience are gained only in practice. It is experience and skills that are in demand, not "crusts".
Today, everyone can improve their own financial literacy and education. This knowledge will not only help you earn money, form your capital and keep it, but also increase it. Therefore, investing in your own education is just as important as investing in a bank account.